Ann Lamott posted a piece on Facebook today and asked if we are spending some time each day being here, now, or if we are like skeeter bugs on the water flitting about on the surface of life. I loved that image and know that at this moment my brain is like a skeeter bug because 2000 miles away, my beautiful, smart, resilient 3rd child and 1st daughter is in labor with her first baby. “The Little Chief,” as her husband calls him, decided to come a month early. My mind is in overdrive as I think about so many plans that will need to be rearranged at work and at home. But all for a joyful reason!

If I could stop being a skeeter bug on the water for a moment, would I dive down deep in the cool waters, or would I reach up to the tips of tree branches that sway overhead? In either case, the truth would be the same. Life with family is never predictable, but wholly reliable for bringing the wonders of love and a fragile balance of joys and sorrows. Of that, I am sure.

3 thoughts on “March 13, 2016

  1. My skeeter bug would be in high motion today too. Hopefully the time to go high or deep will come soon and you’ll get to bask a bit reveling in this new addition to your family.

  2. Oh my Congratulations! I think a little skeeter-bugging is called for right now. You’ll be fine and have that brand spanking new grandson in your arms soon.

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